Why I’m here

1 min readFeb 21, 2022

Bonus President’s Day post.

I have a friend on Twitter, Larry Lambert. He’s on here and he has an excellent timeline.

I think of myself as a good writer. When I was 10 I wrote was basically Peanuts fan fiction. At that point I was told I was a good writer. It is a talent that I have not nearly used as much as I should be. And, I have tried to start blogs, but lost interest.

Larry does quick hits. 400 words, 2–3 minute reads. I can do that, I said. I have enough anecdotes in my life I can talk about. It’s something I can do on an app, just bang it out. And it looks like, finally, I’ve got it down.

I talked about the magnum opus I wrote taking place in Minneapolis St. Paul. What I’m working on now is a story in Pittsburgh. Again I haven’t been but I have at least two close friends who live there. And there the teams are better — I love the Pirates, and other than the Bruins the Penguins are my team. And they win.

Larry also said general interest pieces work better than sports on here. Sports is a big thing for me and you’ll see sports pieces in this space. But general pieces — like what I posted early today-is going to be the norm. It’s a challenge — and I like challenges.

So where does this space go from here? Stay tuned.




“It is called a medium because it is very rare that it is well done.” — Ernie Kovacs